
Brilliant and highly educated, Serena Taylor is a renowned historian and anthropologist, but there’s much more to the feisty brunette than her love of ancient things. She’s an empath from Silver Springs, a secretive, supernatural town in rural Ontario, where her family has been granted sanctuary. She is also Dowrra, a descendant of the Sumerian goddess of love, whose destiny is to find the lover who consumes her in erotic dreams. 

 After Serena is enlisted by the mysterious Cian O’Duinn, she must return to her hometown. In exchange for her paranormal assistance, the sexy and elusive Celt has promised to help free her people’s god, Attula of Aegea.  

 Attula is the last hope for surviving empaths like Serena, who have been hunted to the edge of extinction. Two thousand years ago, the Atlantean god was forced to watch as the city he had built sank into the sea, and then he was entombed in stone by the Destroyer. Could Serena be the woman he has been waiting for to awaken him? How much must she sacrifice before she can finally be united with the man in her dreams?

 Discover love worth waiting centuries for in Bloodline, the epic second novel of The Dowrra Series.

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